Repeal of Firearms Records Regulations (Classification)

Enabling act

Firearms Act


Repealing the Firearms Records Regulations (Classification) is required to reduce redundancy in records that the Registrar and the RCMP are required to keep.
The Firearms Records Regulations (Classification) are contrary to the Government's commitment to return decision-making about firearms classification determinations to technical experts.

Potential impacts on Canadians, including businesses

There are no expected impacts on stakeholders, firearms users or firearms businesses. The Regulations would have no impact on the administration of the Firearms Act. Further, they would not affect the classification of any firearm or any classification determinations made by the CFP.

Regulatory cooperation efforts (domestic and international)



Opportunities for consultation include:  the Canadian Firearms Advisory Committee; pre-publishing the Regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part I; and through Committee meetings as the Regulations will be laid before both Houses of Parliament.

There are no controversial issues or any negative responses anticipated from the firearms owners, businesses, manufacturers or law enforcement as the Firearms Records Regulations (Classification) do not affect any current firearm classification determinations made by the RCMP.

Further information


Departmental contact information

Rob Daly
Director, Firearms and Operational Policing Policy Division

Date the regulatory initiative was first included in the Forward Regulatory Plan

October 1, 2016

For more information

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